This Code of conduct has been developed for the purpose of protecting human rights and promoting responsible management of environmental issues across our supply-chain.
As a signatory member of United Nations Global Compact since 2012, StarHub has pledged to adopt and promote sustainable and responsible business practices. This means operating in ways that, at a minimum, meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
In order to make this commitment clear to employees, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders, this Code of Conduct shall be publicly available.
Our Commitment
StarHub is committed to corporate sustainability and responsible sourcing to ensure safe working conditions, respect of worker rights, and environmentally conscious business operations. We strive to uphold the highest level of honesty and integrity in our business and expect these shared values from our partners.
Our Code of Conduct is based on the core conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions on Labour Standards, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, local laws and universally accepted fundamental principles.
All StarHub suppliers shall comply with this Code and other applicable local laws. We encourage our suppliers to adhere to the highest level of compliance and adopt a proactive approach to continuous improvement. Suppliers are also encouraged to communicate and share this Code to their next tier suppliers, agents, and third-party partners to ensure alignment of CSR expectations throughout the supply chain.
StarHub understands the challenges in the space we and our business partners operate in and do not expect perfection in all aspects. We value transparency and partnership, and will continuously work to support our suppliers in overcoming challenges and share industry best practices.
All StarHub suppliers need to adhere to this code of conduct, at a minimum. Where local laws or national regulations are more stringent in the location that the business operates in, suppliers shall meet the highest requirement.
Every human being should be treated equally with respect, care and dignity. Respect for human rights is fundamental to the sustainability of StarHub business and the communities in which we operate. In our Company and across our supply-chain, we are committed to ensuring that people are equally treated with respect, care and dignity.
We respect all internationally recognized human rights including the International Bill of Human Rights and the core International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions.
We are aware of certain challenges to human rights issues globally and our intention is to work actively to minimize such challenges and the associated risks throughout our operations and beyond.
Humane Treatment
All workers shall be treated with respect and dignity. Suppliers shall not use corporal punishment or physical abuse on workers. Sexual or other harassment and intimidation are also prohibited.
Freely Chosen Employment
All workers shall have the right to enter and terminate employment freely. There should not be any use of forced, bonded or involuntary labour. Slavery and human trafficking should be prohibited throughout the supply chain.
Child Labour
Suppliers must have hiring practices in place that accurately verify worker’s age and legal right to work in the country prior to employment. Factories must not employ anyone younger than 15 years of old, or younger than the age for completing compulsory education if the age in the country of manufacture is greater than 15. Children and young persons under 18 shall not be employed in hazardous conditions.
Working Hours
Suppliers shall comply with industry norms and applicable local laws on working hour requirements as stipulated in any applicable country’s governing labour laws. Suppliers shall ensure that all overtime work is voluntary and compensated at the prevailing overtime rates. Employees should be allowed at least one day off per seven-day week.
Wages and Benefits
Suppliers shall pay workers for all work completed and shall pay at least the minimum wage required by law or the prevailing industry wage, whichever is higher. In addition to compensation for regular hours of work, workers shall be compensated for overtime hours at such a premium rate as is legally required or, in those countries where such laws do not exist, at least equal to their regular hourly compensation rate. The use of monetary fines as a disciplinary practice is not permitted.
Suppliers should not discriminate in employment practices, including hiring, compensation, training, promotion, termination and retirement on the basis of gender, race, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy or cultural beliefs.
Freedom of Association
Suppliers should recognize and respect the rights of workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Where such rights are restricted by law, factories should take steps to provide means of open communication with workers.
Safe and Healthy Working Conditions
Suppliers shall provide workers with a safe and healthy workplace and should implement effective programs to improve the working environment where necessary.
Suppliers shall do its utmost to control hazards and take necessary precautionary measures against accidents and occupational diseases.
Suppliers shall provide adequate and regular training to ensure that workers are educated on health and safety issues. This shall include provision and instructions to use appropriate personal protective equipment.
Suppliers should secure that, where it provides accommodation, it should be clean, safe and meet the basic needs of the workers, and, where appropriate, for their families.
Environmental Protection
Suppliers should take a precautionary approach towards environmental challenges and encourage initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
Suppliers should act in accordance with relevant local and internationally recognized environmental standards and applicable local laws, whereby the highest standard shall be applied.
Suppliers should minimize its environmental impact and should implement measures contributing to the protection of the environment.
Conflict Minerals
The supplier should limit the use of materials and resources when sourcing or producing goods to minimize its environmental impact. The use of rare resources should be limited or avoided where possible.
Ethics and Business Integrity
Suppliers shall adhere to the highest standards of ethical requirements to business integrity to prohibit corruption and bribery.
Suppliers shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations in relation to the giving and accepting of gifts, including the Penal Code (Cap. 224) and the Prevention of Corruption Act (Cap.241) (and their successor legislations).
Under StarHub’s Corporate Gift & Hospitality Policy, it is not acceptable for employees to receive gifts, entertainment, hospitality or other gratuities from people with whom StarHub does business, which may put StarHub’s employees in actual or perceived positions of compromise or conflict of interests.
StarHub prohibits the giving, soliciting or receiving of kickbacks, favours, hospitality, gratuities, entertainment, preferential terms or anything of value by employees for their personal benefit from suppliers or their respective officers, employees, agents and/or representatives, which may or may be construed to influence the employee’s performance of his duties and affect his ability to act in the best interests of StarHub.
Suppliers shall avoid any circumstances which might create an appearance that they have offered gifts, entertainment, hospitality or other gratuities to StarHub employees to influence their contract negotiations or dealings with StarHub.
When a supplier has witnessed or becomes aware of a reportable incident involving ethical and legal violations or inappropriate behavior, he or she may raise the matter via any of the following reporting channels:
whistleblow@starhub.com or AC_Chair@starhub.com
67 Ubi Avenue 1
#03-01 StarHub Green
Singapore 408942
Attention: General Counsel or Audit Committee Chairman
Management Systems
StarHub suppliers should have a management system and process in place that ensures compliance with this Code. This management system should cover areas such as Supplier commitment, management accountability and responsibility and legal and customer requirements.
Suppliers should implement or maintain management systems that facilitate compliance with this Code and other applicable laws.
Statement and Policies
Suppliers are encouraged to develop a company statement and policies affirming their commitment to high standards of social and environmental responsibility, ethical conduct, and continuous improvement. Suppliers should post this statement in the primary local language at all its facilities.
Supplier Responsibility Leadership
Suppliers are encouraged to assign an employee to be the responsible individual to oversee and enforce implementation of social, health and safety, and environmental responsibility.
Supplier Organisation
Suppliers are encouraged to establish a cross-functional structure or committee to the effective implementation of and the conformance with social and environmental requirements as per applicable laws and regulations and this Code of Conduct.
Suppliers are encouraged to perform regular assessment of its facilities and operations, and the ones of its subcontractors and next-tier suppliers to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations and this Code of Conduct.
Supplier should also allow StarHub or any designated third party to evaluate Supplier’s facilities and operations.
Action Plan
Suppliers are encouraged to implement timely corrective and preventive actions for any non-compliance and non-conformance identified.
Training & Communication
Suppliers are encouraged to provide training to all staff responsible for performing regular assessment and communicate its social and environmental company statement to all employees.